Our Favorite Authors collections feature timeless tales from renowned storytellers such as Beverly Cleary, Walter Dean Myers, Aliki, and more. These carefully curated collections offer a diverse range of captivating narratives, fostering a love of reading.

Our Favorite Authors collections feature timeless tales from renowned storytellers such as Beverly Cleary, Walter ...Dean Myers, Aliki, and more. These carefully curated collections offer a diverse range of captivating narratives, fostering a love of reading. see more

Favorite Authors: Kevin Henkes

Favorite Authors: Kevin Henkes

List Price: $85.90
Your Price: $64.43 Save 25%
Kevin Henkes is a celebrated author and illustrator known for his beloved picture books and novels for children, including the award-winning Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse and Chrysanthemum. His charming stories and distinctive illustrations explore themes of friendship, family, and the beauty of everyday moments, enchanting young readers and parents alike. With a career spanning over three decades, Kevin’s work continues to inspire a love for reading in children everywhere.



Grade Level




Total Titles
Total Items

Please see below for a listing of components in this collection. From time to time, components will be unavailable for shipment, and we will send alternative titles similar in content and scope. These substitutions will not impact the price or integrity of the collection.

Title Quantity Qty
Chester's Way 1
Chrysanthemum 1
Julius's Candy Corn 1
Julius, the Baby of the World 1
Lilly's Big Day 1
Penny and Her Doll 1
Penny and Her Marble 1
Sheila Rae, the Brave 1
Wemberly Worried 1
When Spring Comes 1