The Armed Forces of the United States are dedicated to the defense and aid of the United States and allies around the world. In this series, readers can explore five of the branches that protect the nation. Leveled text, engaging photos, and special features teach readers about the duties carried out during peacetime and times of war, the speci...
The Baby-Sitters Club graphic novel series brings Ann M. Martin's beloved characters to life in a fresh and vibrant format, following a group of friends who start a babysitting business in their community. Each book features relatable stories that tackle themes of friendship, responsibility, and growing up, all illustrated in an engaging and ac...
The Bad Kitty series follows the hilarious antics of a mischievous feline who finds herself in a variety of outrageous situations. Through clever storytelling and vibrant illustrations, these books explore themes of behavior, consequences, and the ups and downs of pet ownership, all while delivering plenty of laughs. With its engaging character...
Most things have a beginning and end that are easily identified. But what about all the steps in between? Each title in this low-level series allows early readers to follow a product’s path from start to finish! Maps point out where each product begins its journey, while another feature displays the important elements needed to get a finished p...